Today I want to honor my sweet sweet teddy bear! He crossed over the bridge one year ago tomorrow of osteosarcoma.
Unfortunately at that time we were very misinformed about giant breeds and amputation and not aware until it was way too late, of the wonderful tripawds community and all the wisdom that is here. If we had been more aware of options we could have done more for him and he would have suffered less. The suffering he endured is nothing that I ever want to go through again.

He truly was the sweetest Saint I have ever had and the connection between the two of us is nothing like I have ever experienced before in a pup. Though I have had many pups in my life ours was a bond that many did not understand. He was my constant companion and my fierce protector.
I miss his presence so much but I also feel him near, I can still smell his fur and

he comes to me in my dreams and I know that he is ok and just waiting for me at the bridge. Many tears still fall for him, as they are now, when I remember the wonderful times that he and I shared.
So my precious Teddy Bear today I honor you and the wonderful memories we shared. You are in my thoughts daily and in my heart forever! We will meet again! I love you my sweet sweet boy!