Hi Everyone – I kind of fell of the grid for a bit. New baby saint arrived on April 26th and she is a busy girl and keeps all of us busy 🙂 We set off for a camping trip on the 29th and got rained and snowed out 🙁 The days after that have been filled with caring for sick pups 🙁
Patchy was struggling with his front leg collapsing and stopped eating and drinking, then his brother lucky got sick as well, and then to top it all off the baby came down with Kennel Cough:(
Happy to say that Patchy has gotten a lot of strength back in his front leg (because we finally had to keep him inside most of the day) And both he an Lucky have returned to eating and drinking Yay!
The baby is on antibiotics for the kennel cough and is happy and feisty as ever.
Patchy’s cart from Eddie’s wheels came this week and we are beginning the process of introducing him to it and making adjustments to the fit. I must say he is completely stubborn and refuses to try and walk without us helping. He just sits down and looks at us with the “really guys” face lol.
We know it takes time and we only do a few minutes each day so as not to stress him out.
We are just so proud of him and so very grateful for our time with him! He is truly a trooper and we continue to “live in the moment”

Snow, rain on a camping trip the.end.of April?? New puppy? Kennel cough? Patchy having no appetite??
But now everybody.is feeling good, right???? Now that brings.SUNSHINE into all our hearts!!
I know you’ve had your hands full, so thank you so much for your update………..you’re really good update!! 🙂
Honest to goodness, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more “snuggable, huggable, cuddleable” dog!! Patch is just so smooching adorable!
Glad Lucky is feeling better too!
And the name for “baby Saint” is………??
You’re really doing a good job of introducing Patchy to his Royal Carriage. I think he’ll eventually see it as his new BFF!
Thanks again for the.update! Huge smile on my face!
Lots of love to all!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Hey Dear Friend – Nice to be in touch again! Baby saint name is Sailor and she is so adorable and fun! Bummer she got sick likely from the transport 🙁 I will post a picture of her soon! Hugs to you and yours – Summer and Patchy
I am glad everyone is on the mend from being sick. I can’t wait to see pictures of the new baby and Patchy in his new wheels.
Try giving him treats as he walks a little. He will get the hang of it 🙂
Michelle & Angel Sassy
That’s right…SAILOR! I forgot! Sailor and Pirate Patch! How could I forget that?